HomeBuilder Legislation Finally Passed

HomeBuilder Legislation Finally Passed
NEWSThe Australian Government has finally written the legislation and released the HomeBuilder Grant Application and Guide.
In summary the main points are;
1. Build cannot have started before 4 Jun 2020;
2. Contract date must be after 4 Jun 2020 and before 31 Dec 2020;
3. Construction must start within 3 months of contract date;
4. You must be registered on the title no later than 31 Oct 2022.
The Australian Government announced the HomeBuilder Grant on 4 June 2020 to provide eligible owner-occupiers (including first home buyers) with a grant of $25,000 to build a new home, substantially renovate an existing home or buy an off the plan home/new home.
The grant was introduced in response to the Covid-19 pandemic to stimulate the construction sector which employs over 1.15 million Australia wise (its 9% of all jobs in Australia).
The HomeBuilder applications will need to be lodged electronically which is yet to made available.
We will keep you posted.
Roy Skaf
Managing Director
Macquarie York